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Docker Compose

For a quick and easy way to get started developing on OpenMage, you can use the following one-line command to install OpenMage with Docker Compose.


If you prefer a more robust development environment, consider using DDEV.

git clone && cd magento-lts && dev/openmage/ 

This will clone the OpenMage repository, create a new Docker Compose product named “openmage” and run the installation. Visit and start coding!


If you want to install the Magento Sample Data run the command with the environment variable SAMPLE_DATA=1 like so:

git clone && cd magento-lts && SAMPLE_DATA=1 dev/openmage/



See colinmollenhour/docker-openmage for more information on the containers used in this setup, but here are some quick tips:

  • You can start the cron task using docker compose up -d cron.
  • The cli service contains many useful tools like composer, magerun, modman, mageconfigsync and more.
  • XDebug is enabled using remote_connect_back=1 with idekey=phpstorm. Customize this in .env if needed as described below.

Here are some common commands you may wish to try (from the dev/openmage directory):

$ docker compose run --rm -u $(id -u):$(id -g) cli composer show
$ docker compose run --rm -u $(id -u):$(id -g) cli bash
$ docker compose run --rm cli magerun sys:check
$ docker compose run --rm cli magerun cache:clean
$ docker compose run --rm cli magerun db:console
$ docker compose exec mysql mysql
  • The cli container runs as www-data by default so use -u $(id -u):$(id -g) with composer so that the container will create/modify files with your user permissions to avoid file permission errors in your IDE.
  • Always use run --rm with the cli container to avoid creating lots of orphan containers.

Environment Variables

You can override some defaults using environment variables defined in a file (that you must create) at dev/openmage/.env.

  • XDEBUG_CONFIG=... - Override the default XDebug config
  • HOST_NAME=your-preferred-hostname
    • is used by default to resolve to See for more info.
  • HOST_PORT=8888
    • 80 is used by default
    • is used by default to resolve to See for more info.
    • 81 is used by default to avoid conflicts with the frontend port
  • ADMIN_PASSWORD (must be 14 characters or more)
    • 1 is used by default, set to 0 to disable
    • USD is used by default
    • en-US is used by default
    • America/New_York is used by default
    • 3306 is used by default
  • PM_MAX_CHILDREN - Tune to your environment and needs - see PHP-FPM configuration

Uninstalling / Starting Over

If you want to start fresh, wipe out your installation with the following command (from the dev/openmage directory):

$ docker compose down --volumes && rm -f ../../app/etc/local.xml

HTTPS / Production

You can easily have a multi-store SSL-protected environment using Docker with the docker-compose-production.yml file.

Features included out of the box:

  • Free and automatic SSL provided by Caddy
  • Separate domains for frontend and admin sites
  • Examples included for redirects, Basic Auth, multi-store routing
  • Easily add routes to your other sites
  • Root static assets (e.g. robots.txt) in a separate directory for each store view


Do not try to run a dev environment and a production environment from the same working copy!

If using OpenMage as a composer dependency, to avoid files being overwritten by composer upon updating OpenMage, it is recommended to copy the following files into your own project root and modify them as needed:

  • dev/openmage/docker-compose-production.ymldocker-compose.yml
  • dev/openmage/nginx-admin.confnginx-admin.conf
  • dev/openmage/nginx-frontend.confnginx-frontend.conf
  • dev/openmage/Caddyfile-sampleCaddyfile
  • pub/admin/static/admin/
  • pub/default/{favicon.ico,robots.txt}static/default/

Then perform the following steps:

  1. echo "COMPOSE_FILE=docker-compose-production.yml" >> .env to make the production stack the default
  2. Add BASE_URL and ADMIN_URL to your .env file
  3. cp Caddyfile-sample Caddyfile and edit the Caddyfile to reflect your domain names and Magento store codes
  4. If you did not hard-code your admin domain name in Caddyfile edit .env and make sure it includes ADMIN_HOST_NAME
  5. Run docker compose up -d to launch your new production-ready environment!
  6. Load your existing database into the MySQL container volume and copy an existing local.xml file into the app/etc/ subdirectory of your OpenMage root (e.g. pub/app/etc/local.xml for composer installations with default magento-root-dir).
    1. OR copy dev/openmage/ into your root directory and run it to create a fresh installation.

Environment variables supported by the docker-compose-production.yml file and which may be set in .env when installing a new production environment:

  • SRC_DIR=./pub - relative path to the OpenMage root - corresponds to the composer magento-root-dir
  • STATIC_DIR=./static - relative path to the directory which contains custom static files to be served from the root - must contain a subdirectory for admin and each store view.
  • BASE_URL= (overrides HOST_NAME and HOST_PORT)


Backups, intrusion protection and other security features are not provided and are left up to you! This is simply a web server configuration that adds an easy to configure and maintain SSL termination.

Adding more store views

  1. Create your new website and/or store codes in OpenMage.
  2. Create new root static asset directories in your static asset directory such as static/store1, static/store2, etc…
  3. Edit Caddyfile to map your domain name to the appropriate runcode and runtype.
  4. Configure the URLs in the System > Configuration.
  5. Set up your DNS and relaunch Caddy (docker compose restart caddy).

Mapping paths to different stores can be done using additional reverse_proxy declarations. See @customfrontend as an example.