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DDEV is a powerful tool to set up and manage local PHP development environments. It is a Docker-based wrapper that provides many useful features for developers out of the box.

Docker only

For development environment without dependencies aside from Docker, see the Docker Compose guide.

Test Environment for OpenMage in Windows 10 Based on DDEV

For development environment with Windows 10, see this guide.

Using phpMyAdmin

Run in the terminal window to install the phpMyAdmin add-on then restart DDEV.

ddev get ddev/ddev-phpmyadmin

To launch phpMyAdmin in the browser run in the terminal window.

ddev phpmyadmin

Using Mailpit

To launch Mailpit in the browser run in the terminal window.

ddev mailpit

Setting up cronjobs

Run in the terminal window ddev get ddev/ddev-cron to install the cron add-on then restart DDEV.

By default the OpenMage cronjob runs every minute. If you want to change it edit the file .ddev/web-build/openmage.cron.

You can set the OpenMage cronjob using DDEV hooks, but you must comment all the lines in the file .ddev/web-build/openmage.cron. Edit the file .ddev/config.yaml and insert the following lines

    - exec: printf "SHELL=/bin/bash\n* * * * * /var/www/html/\n" | crontab

Enabling the Developer Mode

Set environment variables editing the file .ddev/config.yaml. If you want to enable the Developer Mode insert the following lines

web_environment: [

Using with PhpStorm


Every DDEV project is automatically configured with Xdebug so that popular IDEs can do step debugging of PHP code. Xdebug is a server-side tool and it is installed automatically in the container so you do not have to install or configure it on your workstation. Xdebug is disabled by default for performance reasons, so you will need to enable it and configure your IDE before can start debugging. For more information, please visit

Run the following commands in the terminal window to enable or disable xDebug

ddev xdebug on`
ddev xdebug off

If Xdebug does not work properly with PHPStorm edit the file .ddev/php/xdebug.ini and insert the following lines


Accessing the database

Please note that DDEV changes the port numbers on every restart. If you want to access the database in PHPStorm you must set up a fixed port. Edit the file .ddev/config.yaml and insert the following line

host_db_port: 6000

Using Browsersync


Browsersync features live reloads, click mirroring, network throttling. Run the following commands in the terminal window

ddev get ddev/ddev-browsersync
ddev restart
ddev browsersync

Installing Compass


Compass is required for editing SCSS files.

Create a new file named .ddev/web-build/Dockerfile.ddev-compass and insert the following lines

RUN apt-get update
RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggests build-essential ruby-full rubygems
RUN gem install compass

For more information, please visit


Creating a command

Create a new file named phpstan in the .ddev/commands/web directory and insert the following lines


## Description: run PHPStan
## Usage: phpstan
## Example: ddev phpstan <path-to-files>

php vendor/bin/phpstan analyze -c .github/phpstan.neon "$@"

Run in the terminal window ddev phpstan.

OpenMage commands

1. If you want to install the Magento Sample Data run in the terminal window ddev openmage-install and follow the steps.

You can use flags, for example ddev openmage-install -d -s -k -q

  • -d (default values for the administrator account)
  • -s (sampledata installation)
  • -k (keeps the downloaded archive in the .ddev/.sampleData directory)
  • -q (quiet mode)

2. By default, running the ddev config command does not create an administrator account. If you want to create or update one run in the terminal window ddev openmage-admin and follow the steps.

Useful commands


Run in the terminal window any of the following commands for different tasks.

Create or modify a DDEV project’s configuration in the current directory

ddev config

Get a detailed description of a running DDEV project

ddev describe

List Projects

ddev list

Start / Stop / Restart / Completely stop all project and containers

ddev start, ddev stop, ddev restart, ddev poweroff

Launch a browser with the current site

ddev launch

Execute Composer commands within a web container

ddev composer install, ddev composer update, ddev composer require openmage/module-mage-backup

Run npm inside the web container

ddev npm install, ddev npm update

Enable or disable Xdebug

ddev xdebug on, ddev xdebug off, ddev xdebug status

Create a database snapshot for one or more projects

ddev snapshot --name my_snapshot_name, ddev snapshot --list, ddev snapshot --cleanup, ddev snapshot restore

Import or export a SQL file into the project

ddev import-db --src=magento_sample_data.sql, ddev export-db --target-db=db --file=om_db.sql.gz, ddev import-files --src=om_media.tar.gz

Download DDEV adds-on

ddev get --list, ddev get drud/ddev/cron

Run MYSQL client in the database container / Run php inside the web container / Stars a shell session in a service container / Execute a shell command in the container

ddev mysql, ddev php, ddev ssh, ddev exec

Get the logs from your running services

ddev logs, ddev logs -f, ddev logs -s db

Enable or disable a service

ddev service enable, ddev service disable

Remove all information, including the database, from a project

ddev delete, ddev delete images

Removes items DDEV has created

ddev clean --dry-run -all, ddev clean

Using mkcert for secured connections


mkcert is a simple tool for making locally-trusted development certificates. If you use (Windows 10/11 + WSL + Docker), first install the mkcert package in Windows then copy the certificates files associated to the current user into the Linux distribution.

For example, copy rootCA.pem and rootCA-key.pem


C:\Users\<User Name>\AppData\Local\mkcert

Installing OpenMage in the browser

If you want to install OpenMage in the browser rename or delete the /app/etc/local.xml file.

For the database connection use the following information

  • Host: db
  • Database Name: db
  • User Name: db
  • User Password: db
