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The Grid Column system in OpenMage provides a powerful way to create and customize admin grid interfaces. Grid columns are essential components of the admin panel that display data in a tabular format, allowing for sorting, filtering, copying, formatting, and other operations on the data. This guide explains how to work with grid columns using the Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid_Column class, see source code.

New Release 20.11.0

As you can see, there are many many changes in this release!

Thanks to all of the contributors for keeping OpenMage one of the fastest and most secure robust open source eCommerce platforms around! 1

New Release 20.10.0

This release brings copyable cells to backend grids, preliminary PHP 8.4 support, improved MariaDB compatibility and fixes to a bundle of important issues.

From smoothing out UPS REST API handling, an old cache problem in primary navigation block and a couple of minor regressions in product’s attribute handling. 1

New Release 20.9.0

Another small but important release, mostly oriented towards fixing a couple of bugs with the new UPS APIs. Remember, the old UPS XML APIs will be shut down on 3rd June 2024. 1